Our Philosophy

In line with the holistic review in U.S. college admissions, we are committed to fostering students’ holistic development. We have successfully innovated a comprehensive and systematic counseling curriculum that embodies the three pillars of our educational philosophy: academic progress, career exploration, and personal growth.
We are not helping students just look better on college applications, but actually become better persons. On the road to great colleges, we guide them to develop a sense of self and find meaning in life. We see the process as a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. At the end of the journey, students grow wiser, deeper, and stronger. We feel honored to be part of this exciting transformation.
Private Counseling Programs

High School Planning Comprehensive Counseling
Grade 8 (2nd Sem) - Grade 11
We offer individualized mentorship to effectively address each student’s different needs. Below is a list of popular tasks through which we guide students to develop their full potential and position them competitively in the college admission process:
• High school course selection
• Summer camp application
• Volunteer activity selection
• College major exploration
• Personal passion project
• Time management strategy
• Reading plan development
• Standardized testing plan
• Work experience
• Research experience
• Talent development
• Future career discovery
• High school resume/cover letter writing
• College visit planning
• Recommendation letter preparation

College Admission Comprehensive Counseling
Grade 11 - Grade 12
We guide students every step of the way in applying to great colleges that best fit their long-term personal and professional growth. Our guidance covers all aspects of college admissions including:
• Reviewing the student’s academic and extracurricular profile
• Branding the student uniquely among millions of applicants
• Developing and executing an individualized application timeline
• Identifying possible majors and careers
• Securing strong reference letters
• Creating a clear and concise college resume
• Identifying college selection criteria and developing a personalized college list
• Crafting exceptional college essays from brainstorming to drafting to revising to editing and proofreading.
• Applying to scholarships
• Preparing for college interviews
• Reviewing offer letters and making the final decision
• Promoting a successful transition to college

High School Planning Q&A Hourly Counseling (Online)
Grade 7th - Grade 11th
Due to capacity, we might not have room for every student interested in our High School Planning Comprehensive Counseling Program. However, through hourly counseling sessions, we would like to share with more families our years of experience in making long-term academic and extracurricular plans.
• Hourly Counseling Fee: $280/hour
Our hourly counseling sessions best fit highly motivated and independent students and hands-on families as we will provide resources and instructions on how to make high school academic and extracurricular plans for you to conduct post-meeting independent research. Please complete the Student Intake Form with your materials and questions to prefer arrange a counseling session.
** The hourly counseling session does not include progress follow-up, summer program/internship application guidance, college list development, and other tasks that require our post-meeting investment.
• Course Planning Counseling Session: $350
We will guide you to make a four-year high school course plan. Depending on your questions, the meeting lasts about an hour. Please ask us for a course planning worksheet after payment.
** We highly encourage students to contact us at least 5 business days to arrange a counseling session as we might get too busy during the spring course selection season and fall college application season to accommodate all the requests.

Dream School Application Package Review (Online)
Grade 11 Summer - Grade 12
Due to capacity, we might not have room for every student interested in our College Admissions Comprehensive Counseling Program. However, we would like to share with more students our years of experience in college admissions, especially in applying to highly selective colleges, by thoroughly reviewing and critiquing their applications to dream schools.
• One-Time Review ​Fee per Application: $450. (Multiple reviews will incur additional fees commensurate with the time and intellectual investment.) ​
The student will be contacted to schedule an online review within 5 business days before October 1st. We highly encourage the student to contact us as early as possible. The 5 business day turnaround is not guaranteed between October and December as we will prioritize the needs of the students in our comprehensive counseling program.
The meeting lasts between 1-1.5 hours depending on the quality of the application package and the student's questions. The meeting is highly intensive and we expect the student to get ready for a large amount of information.
• Documents Needed for a Thorough Review
​1. All the essays and short-answer responses saved in one Microsoft Word document.
2. All other parts of the application saved through the application system as one PDF.
3. Unofficial 4-year high school transcript.
​Please complete the Dream School Application Review Form to arrange a review.
* This program best fits students with solid to excellent writing skills applying to highly selective colleges as our review focuses on personal branding, application strategies, essay topics/themes/foci, and writing styles rather than on technical issues such as grammar. Students are expected to improve their application materials on their own after the meeting.
** We highly encourage students to contact us at least one month before the deadline as we might get too busy close to the deadline to accommodate all the requests and guarantee the 5 business day turnaround. Students will also need enough time to fully incorporate our suggestions into their applications.
*** Please make sure to submit a polished application package rather than a rough draft as this program is NOT designed for students who have just started the process.